Duke Energy - MyLearning Courses and Due Dates

:large_blue_diamond: About MyLearning

To be eligible to handle calls at Duke Energy, you are client-required to complete a series of critical training courses. These include topics such as data protection, electricity fundamentals, outage management, soft skills, and adherence to state regulations. All client-required training can be found and completed on the MyLearning platform.

:spiral_calendar: Due Date

You have over two weeks, starting from the first day of your certification until the end of day 12, to finish all assigned courses. In total, the MyLearning courses will take around 7.5 hours to complete.

:warning: You are client-required to complete all assigned courses before your mock call. It’s advisable to start on these courses early to allow time for handling any unexpected issues. Please avoid leaving them until the last day!

:pushpin: See also eLearning Checklist

Below, you’ll find further instructions and the list of courses.

:computer: Accessing MyLearning Portal

  1. From the C4C Training virtual desktop, open the Customer Connect Training folder.
  2. Open the My Learning shortcut.
    • If prompted, sign in.

:mag_right: Searching for Courses

For the majority of the MyLearning courses, you’ll need to enroll yourself and complete the coursework. Please use the search bar located at the top of the page and enter the “Search Phrase” associated with each course, as detailed in the table provided below.

:camera: Example:
Searching for the first course, “EC - 2021 Supplier Code of Conduct(DE-135664)” using the Search
“135664”, as found in the images below.

:clipboard: List of courses you need to complete.

Here is a list of the My Learning courses you are client-required to complete before your mock call. In total, the MyLearning courses will take around 7.5 hours to complete. You can use the “Search Phrase” provided in the first column to find each course easily. Make sure to check the “Notes” column for any specific instructions or additional directions for each course.

:pushpin: Please complete the courses in the order listed below.

:arrow_up: Click the image to enlarge.

:white_check_mark: Self-Check for Completion

After completing all of the courses it’s important to self-check for your completion. You can do this easily by:

  1. Hovering over the Learning tab
  2. Choose Learner Home
  3. Click on Completions



Check to see that all courses listed below are completed.
Courses should be completed in order.

  1. :black_square_button: EC - 2021 Supplier Code of Conduct (DE-135664)
  2. :black_square_button: EC - 2023 Data Privacy Training (DE-162831)
  3. :black_square_button: EC - 2023 Identity Theft and the Red Flags Rule (DE-166627)
  4. :black_square_button: DE-110824 - 2020 Version: Identifying Special Needs and Caution Customers
  5. :black_square_button: CO – Basics of Electricity (CSP187-81467)
  6. :black_square_button: Restoration Process
  7. :black_square_button: CO - Unauthorized Usage and Ghost Meters (DE-167354)
  8. :black_square_button: CO_CSE0037-Hold and Transfer Etiquette
  9. :black_square_button: Handling Difficult Customers
  10. :black_square_button: Active Listening
  11. :black_square_button: Effective Communication
  12. :black_square_button: How to Handle Escalated Customer Inquiries
  13. :black_square_button: CO - 2023 Midwest Winter Program Training (DE-166207)
  14. :black_square_button: NHA0019 Residential Base Final Assessment
    • NOTE: For this particular MyLearning course, it’s recommended to start on day 12, since the final assessment will test you on all the previously covered material. Please note, that the final exam includes 50 questions that cover the entire course content. To pass and earn your certification, you must achieve a score of at least 80%. However, you have the option to retake the assessment multiple times until you pass.

Additionally, facilitators will pull reports manually once a day and will update your status at :arrow_right: Duke Certification eLearning Status. Your completion may be delayed up to 24 hours in the spreadsheet, so it’s best to review your own completion transcript in MyLearning for real-time completion reporting.

:question: Have Questions?

Make sure to reach out to facilitators in session or create an LSC case.

Thanks. Got it!